Oh, Tokyo Rose, a distant babbling buffoon hiding behind a radio mic. You intimidate with witty gossip, but you too are aloof and sitting at a distance.
To whom are you a crouching tiger? To whom are you any real threat? Would you bite the hand that feeds you? Your economy and your dependence on oil and rubber from the very nation you attack make your argument sketchy at best. Would you truly attack the very nation that you depend upon? Wouldn't this give you an expiration date in this great war? With your oil supply NOW, how long could you fight? If you exhaust this supply before victory, your planes and ships will be nothing but grossly over-sized paper weights.
As far as I know, Churchill and FDR still believe that you are a nation that is dependable and in the process of negotiation, not aggression. You wouldn't sabotage your nation by prematurely giving away critical offensive information would you? That is, unless you're an American operative on the radio in Seattle, which I highly doubt.
America may be idle and asleep, but they are a giant. Be careful that you do not awaken them. FDR may be a humble man, but he commands the arsenal of democracy that is a terrible, terrible foe.