Sunday, September 30, 2012
Erwin Rommel- Editorial #6
As a leader of a German force no one would ask me about FDR. i hear all about him on the radios. I think what he's doing with America is great. He got them out of a huge fall in market. I can compare him to Hitler in how he got his citizens out of such a huge mess. I respect FDR as a leader and hope he can end his neutralness and help us in the war. We could really use it because we just lost to Britain and now are attacking Russia. I don't know a lot about what's going on in America because I'm still in Africa and we don't get very good signal out here in the desert. All I hear is how good of a President he is. I do sort of like the idea of a democracy but you too many other brains trying to think of something else. In Germany we have one leader who takes charge and makes the decision. Hitler makes decisions to help his country and I think FDR is doing a great job of the same.