Sunday, September 23, 2012

Responce to News Blast #2

     Hello and good evening, this is Jonny Greenwood here and I just heard about what is going on with Japan in the Pacific. And i know that Japan has made a big mistake this time. They decided to attack America? Of all the countries that they could have attacked they the one who single handedly broke a four year stale mate in World War One. Japan had better be careful and watch their back, because I see an American invasion coming their way before the end of this war. And I guarantee it comes sooner than later. And being a citizen of England, I have strong feelings for America in a good way. My country has been trading with America for a long time. To me, this seems to be the work of Adolf Hitler. He has proven to hate all who are different and also those who cross him. And America is the perfect target. They are a country who was built on people who are different. May we pray for America and all those who have been injured or lost their lives on December 14.


Your Fellow Soldier,

            Jonny Greenwood