This day will never be forgotten...... this day will live in infamy forever. As you have all heard the Japanese air force attacked many naval bases around and including Pearl Harbor one of our main bases. We will be declaring war on them very shortly, I had greatly hoped that would not happen but we are in full scale world war. I suspect that the Germans and the Italians will be declaring war on us as well, this war will not be a pretty one. I am nervous to see what the Russians will do but the British and the U.S. could surely use their help. As a Brigadier General I will be doing as much as i can to end this war as quickly as possible. Living through war time is a horrendous experience, and I dont want that for my Ameicans they deserve much better and im going to get that for them. Word has started to spread that I might be sent over to help the allies in the Atlantic whatever happens wish me luck.
- Dwight D. Eisenhower
Brigadier General U.S Armed Forces