Friday, September 28, 2012

Response to Hideki Tojo

What have the soviets ever done to you? If anything you should be scared of Hitler because if he wants even more living space in eastern Asia you are right over there so maybe he will betray you. Hopefully he does it when you are unprepared so that you can get a taste of your own medicine from Manchuria and Pearl Harbor. Tojo you just worry about your problems with AMerica because you sure do have your hands full. Your code of honor is to be the best warrior you could ever be even if that means you only kill one person, well i don't believe that counts when you are chopping the heads off of innocent civillians. Tojo why all of a sudden are you best friends with Hitler? It's not like he has given you anything. America supplied you with so much oil. What are you going to do now that you do not have any oil suppliers anymore. Tojo i don't just want to see you lose this war but iwant to see your empire get crushed within all of that happening.