Sunday, September 30, 2012

Response to editorial #6

In a way the Daily Mirror is right!  FDR did not help England at all when it came to the attack on London!!!  I was horrified for my family and friends.  He had no idea what is was like for me to hear that siren.  Every time my heart would stop hoping that everyone would be able to make in the sewers in time.  My father barely made it alive one day.  He was put in the hospital and we could not afford it much longer.  As you can see London desperately needed the United States help, but we did not get it.  I thought London and America was close but I guess not.  Looking back on you FDR you are just as selfish as Hitler.  You only do what is best for other countries and you do not look back towards your friends.  You could have really stepped up to the plate and you could have made yourself known.  You can only blame yourself FDR…