Sunday, September 30, 2012

Erwin Rommel- Editorial #5

As I hear from our radios. We are attacking Russia. After Germany suffered their first loss to Great Britain, we have sped up our plans and are now attacking our ally, Russia. We had to do it sometime, they were a big threat and a huge country. They could of attacked us at any moment. Since Russia is such a giant country i believe it's going to be very hard to move through it so quickly. It's going to take time. I think Russia will be a very tough opponent but i think we can beat them in less than a year. I hope in the meantime Great Britain doesn't attack us because then we would have to fight a war on two fronts which didn't go so well in WW1. WW1 gave me a ton of ideas on how to fight wars now and the  ideas really help when your fighting against such opponents like Russia.