Sunday, September 30, 2012

Responce to Editorial #5

Good Afternoon, this is Jonny Greenwood again. I recently read the article in The Daily Mirror about Hitler’s Operation Barbarossa. And I wanted to give all of you my own opinion on what Hitler has done this time. I have to say that I saw all of this coming. Hitler has done this numerous times with other countries. He uses them for the short amount of time that he needs them and then he stabs them in the back forgets they ever existed. And this is no exception. Hitler used the Soviets to take over Poland, and even gave them half of the country. And now, because the Nazi party wants to rule the world, they are taking out the most powerful country they know of beside themselves. This is not a minor invasion. This one is big. So big that it is impossible for anyone to ignore. Maybe this Nazi invasion will have consequences.


Your Fellow Soldier,

               Jonny Greenwood