Sunday, September 23, 2012

Kel Browning kane- response to editorial #3

Germany and the nazi's should not be losing to Churchill and the Brits. Germany had a lot more soldiers and better fighting tactics. Britain isn't as well trained as the germans. Hitler thinks that the Britian's will be hard to fight but in the real world they can be crushed be the germans. Germany doesn't realize that they have so resources that they can use to beat britain in the war. Britain still has resources just like germany but they are not as strong and will not help them as good as germanys resources will to the germans. Germany can blow over Britain and keep the war going just as hitler planned. Churchill and the britain's can not do anything that hitler or the party of the nazi's will do and will never be able to even with all his allied powers and resources. Germany will conquer all if britain as soon as he can and britain will not be able to do anything about it.