Sunday, September 23, 2012

Eva-Response to Newsblast #2

I don't know why Japan would attack the United States of America! Hitler says it's because America stopped giving them oil, but I think Japan should try to get oil someplace else. We have this big world and they have to get oil from America! They didn't even bother to ask Hitler if he had any oil for them. Hitler is the greatest and kindest man. He could have gotten Japan oil. Hitler would give anyone anything because he is so kind. I and many others love Hitler. I only live for his love! Germany only survives with his love and passion. If you don't love Hitler than you must not understand him. If you talk to him just once you will feel loved and like you belong. If you don't want to speak to him than you must go to one of his speeches, even though I have no idea why you wouldn't want to talk to him. I wish I could go to one of his speeches. My cousin Gertraud says that his speeches are mind-blowing! I had him say one of his speeches for me, but I don't think it has quite the same effect. It was beautiful though; more beautiful than any speech I've ever heard! I just love the greatest man in the world! Hitler says he isn't loved in all the world, though. And I know he should be! There is no reason not to love him. If you don't love Hitler please reconsider your feelings.
         Eva Braun