Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Hideki Tojo- Editorial #6 HAHA!

HAHA! FDR you are a coward to Japan, not coming after us like a "World Police" nation would. The only reason you entered this war was because of us and the only reason you are going to get out of the war will be because of us. How could you put those innocent Japanese people into concentration camps what the heck did they ever do to you! You know, for that you will regret your actions. I should put all the American citizen tourists and vacationers into concentration camps. Do you really think that you deserve to be president for all the trouble you have caused! I completely do not agree with you being a bystander to Britain, your ally, being bombed. If I was you, I would've just attacked Germany right away (Not that i would do that to Germany). I would already be involved in the war. Death before Dishonor. The big question that I have for your country is why would you cresy people vote for this freak!? FDR read my lips 'FDR you should be the leader of your country and start being the example!'
                                     Your comrade,