Saturday, September 29, 2012

Response #2 to editorial #6

As i said before our so called friendship is breaking. I was outraged that FDR planned cuts to military spending. I told FDR:

“When we lose the next war and an American boy is writhing in pain in the mud with a Japanese bayonet in his belly, I want the last words that he spits out in the form of a curse to be not against Douglas MacArthur but against Franklin Roosevelt.”
FDR replied “Never speak to the President of the United States that way.”

I was so mad after he told me he was going to cut military spending. The military has a specific amount to spend so that we can train with weapons and win the war with weapons!

Now FDR, I am not the only man out there that is mad about your decision. You have just lost many of your "followers". So FDR I would start making the right decisions and listening to the people that voted you into office.