Sunday, November 11, 2012

Anne Frank Response Editorial #12

I hope the Americans pull through. With the German rule, things have become unbearable and Jews have been disappearing. I fear that my family and I will be next. I hope the Allies get backup and overcome the Germans. I pray to God every day that we will survive and be able to see our world once again like it should be. Oh, but how I hate the wait! This has been going on for years, and I can't take it anymore! I hope it is like in books, where good conquers bad, and everyone lives happily ever after! But I know that in the real world, that is not likely, and many have died already trying to save us. Innocent people should not have to through this. Sincerely, Anne "IN SPITE OF EVERYTHING, I STILL BELIEVE PEOPLE ARE REALLY GOOD AT HEART."