Don't mind us Japan, we are just island hopping - how could we possibly beat such a smart, well entrenched enemy like you? So we think that we should get some rays and enjoy the beautiful islands of the south pacific. You have such big boats, with so many shiny guns, and many nutty fighters. Those fanatical fighters, what do call them, kamikazi's, it sounds to me like, "'K, I am a crazy". I can't believe how could we possibly fight effectively in the Pacific and the Atlantic Oceans - we are just looking for some attractive island real estate, with big beaches and palm trees. Real estate that you don't need or want. You know what, we don't want to worry you so just call our plan the US "do little" approach.
Must go now, Robert Oppenhiemer called earlier and he wants to do lunch, said he has something big to talk about - maybe he would like to have sushi?