Sunday, October 28, 2012

Bernardo Carloni response to Editorial #11

Hello this is Bernardo. America is all happy and over confident that they will just go right through us. That's not true. We may not look ready but we are. Watch out America.
Japan- keep fighting those islands. Don't give up. Just believe and you will be able to beat America and inhabit those islands back. Let's push them back to their country so then they will not know what to do. They may even surrender if we push them back. We know that we are stronger and more powerful than any other country. This is only one step, and we know it is an easy step to conquering the whole world.
We will not let the weak little Dough Boys defeat us,the strong country, who will not let the Axis Powers down. Who ever thinks that America will win is totally wrong. How canAmerica pull this of if the are going through the worst of times with The Great Depression? How does America get their weapons if they do not have enough money to buy or manufacture them? Do not worry,we will stand up to America and they will have little chance of winning
Good job Japan!

-Bernardo Carloni