Sunday, October 14, 2012

Erwin Rommel-response to editorial 10

I think Mussolini should be given a trial so that he can die a rightful way and not by the hands of his own people. He has helped many things that he should have left alone like the Holocaust. I believe he was a good leader outside the fact that he killed many people. He like Hitler got Italy back where it needed to be. I truly do not believe that the Holocaust did any good to Germany because that is no way a man should just try to get rid of a race and make it pure German. I don't agree with how Hitler treated the Jews because they are human beings just like Hitler himself. No one can just get rid of people and think that will help a country. Mussolini chose the wrong thing to do and he should be given a trial and be given a punishment for what he has done. If it means death then he deserves it.