Thursday, October 18, 2012

NewsBlast #5 – June 7, 1944 - Allies Crack the Atlantic Wall!

Yesterday - June 6, 1944 the United States along with Great Britain and France invaded the coasts of Normandy, France.  They had been training and amassing troops in England for months to create an invasion of this scale.

The Allied troops under Dwight D. Eisenhower created a 3-pronged attack of the Normandy Coast.  The first attack came in the early morning hours under darkness when the 101st and 82nd Division forces parachuted behind the coastline.  The morning silence was shattered with the onslaught of Allied artillery bombarding the coasts of Omaha and Utah Beachheads.

The final assault was a direct amphibious assault from the 29th and 1st Infantry Divisions along with the 2nd Ranger Battalion at Point Du Hoc.  The main assaults occurred Dog Green and Easy Red sectors of Omaha Beach.  Reports indicate that the number of casualties were horrific and surpassed the deaths experienced at Pearl Harbor within hours.

The first several waves arrived on Higgins boats to storm the beaches.  They were met with a perfect hailstorm of German machine gun fire and German 88 artillery shells.

Although the Allies were pinned down, the American 29th Division (115th and 116th Regiments) and the 2nd Rangers pushed forward to the seawall and up the bluffs.

Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my humble honor to report to you that the Allies have cracked the Atlantic Wall and are, slowly and surely, moving inland into Nazi-Occupied France.  The liberation of Europe, the liberation of the Jewish extermination camps, and the beginning of the end for the Nazi Party and Adolf Hitler is underway.

Today is a pivotal moment in our history - it will echo throughout eternity.

Posted are early photographs of yesterday's events that have poured in from behind enemy lines and along the beachheads.