Sunday, October 21, 2012

Kathleen Brockington Response to News blast #4

               This is going to get ugly if America does not get there fast enough and Germany advances.  If I could go into the war and fight, I would.  But that is not the case here.  We need everyone’s help that can fight.  The people, the citizens, the world itself cannot take much longer of this.  I have a proposition: We all agree that all this is Germany’s fault and we all go back to living our every day lives.  Guess what everyone!  This living space that we are fighting for is just getting torn up and destroyed by this war.  This precious land that you all want is dead from everyone fighting on it!  Open your eyes and see the destruction you all have caused!!!  Think about it:  If you win the war and take over the “beautiful, useful” land, then what?  Try to fix it all in a snap and make it paradise?  I would like to hear that plan because I got nothing…