Sunday, October 28, 2012

Douglas response to Newsblast

The Beginning of Hitler

Adolf Hitler met the eighty four year old President of Germany, Paul von Hindenburg for the first time.

Hitler was a bit unnerved by the old gentleman and rambled on at length trying to impress him. Hindenburg was not impressed and later said Hitler might be suited for Postmaster, but never for a high position such as the Chancellorship of Germany.

Even if Hindenburg could be convinced to run, he would be 92 by the time the seven year term ended, with Hitler looming in the background the whole time. Hitler knew he would get the job/opportunity to be the leader of Germany give the world what they deserved. If he didn't live the entire term, considered likely since he was failing, then Hitler would have his chance even sooner.

Paul von Hindenburg was smart though, he got elected for another term. He knew in the back of his mind that Hitler was not right for Germany. He was right.
This is the beginning of Germany and now its the end.
Douglas MacArthur