Sunday, October 21, 2012

Response to Newsblast 5

I give a great thanks to General Dwight D. Eisenhower for leading the brave troops into battle, even when most thought that victory would be impossible. Those brave soldiers had much to fight for. Future people will look upon this day as one of hope, tragedy, and vigorous stamina. Even before the first regimens landed on the beach, the bombers and the jumpers who landed on Juno, Gold, Omaha, and Sword were equally brave, although I fear they will not be remembered as much. Don’t fear as long as people remember, whether few or many, nothing will have been done in vain. The general’s plan was ambitious, yes; however sometimes ambitious is the only strategy you have in a fix like this. It was complicated and difficult, and that’s just enough. In a tactical standpoint, brilliant. Even Hitler would be jealous! Now you know, Axis, just what we are made of.
~Winston Churchill