Monday, October 8, 2012

Erwin Rommel- Editorial #8

As a military general i think this is going to take forever to hop 25,000 islands. America is going to lose a lot of men trying to do this. Even if they get through all the islands they are going to be so beaten up that Japan will have no problem keeping them out of their home country. By the time America gets through those islands we will probably have beaten the Soviet Union and help Japan push the U.S army back where they came from. I think this is not the only way to beat Japan and America is being stupid in trying to hop islands one by one. Japan is going to stop the U.S and kill many Americans in the process of island hopping. MacArthur is being stupid is leading hundreds of thousands of his men to their graves. This is a dumb idea by America and they need to surrender or else they are going to lose many lives.