Saturday, October 6, 2012

American Determination

Our warships are in combat around the world, and our troops are stationed across all continents.
In addition, we have heard that the German and Italian citizens are feeling that their political and military leaders have led them along a road that will ultimately lead to defeat not world domination. Mussolini's and Hitler's speeches have changed from arrogant boasting to frantic calls of support!
This situation makes us even more determined to defeat the dictatorships of the axis countries.
We are now spending $100 million every day for weapons of war, by the end of the year it is going to be double that amount. In order to make this happen - raw materials will be taken from domestic uses and focused on the war effort. In order to minimize inflation the US put into place the following strategies;
1. Personal and corporate profits will be kept low through heavier taxes
2. We will have ceiling prices on goods and rents
3. We must stabilize wages
4. We must stabilize farm prices
5. We must put more billions of dollars in war bonds
6. We must ration all essential commodities which are scarce
7. We must encourage paying off debts and mortgages
This sacrifice is necessary for our freedom and our children's future.

Victory will be ours!