Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Response to Editorial #9

Well, thank you for noting that America will not fare well against Erwin. I do appreciate the comment, 'The United States will crumble like a Styrofoam tugboat in a level 5 hurricane.  I, for one, am astounded that the United States could have any confidence that they will beat Rommel at what he’s best at.' That made me smile. The Daily Mirror, you have opened my eyes... to see how much more progress I should be, and can be, making. I mean, you are right about how the Germans are all-good and all-powerful, for you are right. However, I think you can go deeper into how we are great and shallower in your opinions of the Jews. You are giving mixed signals as to whose side you are on. Anyways, like I was saying, Your opinion of Erwin is so amazing that I am surprised he has not responded to this amazing... review... of him. He should have been the first one to respond. 

Oh, and Ira... Hayes,what are you talking about? 'Another Axis dead is another Allie living'... give me a break. We are not dying, your people are, so it should be :"Another Allie dead is another three Axis living."

Anyways, I've got to run. Got a world to take over.

Goodbye für jetzt, Freunde (Goodbye for now, friends)

~Adolf Hitler