Sunday, October 14, 2012

Response to editorial #10

This has proven to be another great victory for us the allied forces in the Atlantic. Benito Mussolini is a war criminal and a thug who has stood by Hitler and his doings all this time. Capturing Mussolini is a great accomplishment and will surely strike fear into his allies. Many people are debating whether about his right to live and should he be kept alive. Mussolini has stood by Hitler and has observed and supported his plans of the holocaust. This angers many people I understand but we simply cant just kill the man. If we just kill Mussolini then what is the point what are we fighting for. Germany is killing people for what they “supposedly” did to them we know that these people didn’t do this but then aren’t we doing the same. Killing the man because we are angry? We cant do this if we do we have no point in fighting at all if we prove to be as immature as the Germans and kill people just because we are mad and furious you have to take a step back realize what you people want us to do. Enough defending of Mussolini though. He should spend the rest of his life in a cold lonely cell for what he has done.

                                                                    -Dwight D. Eisenhower
                                                                     Supreme Commander of Allied Forces