We have finally made the first offensive in the Atlantic theater, it was not easy to gain consensus with my military leaders and the British. US General Marshall wanted to attack Europe, since our main goal was free the European continent as soon as possible - but the British did not want to attempt that yet, so he wanted to shift the military to the Pacific. I unfortunately had to over rule my military commanders and maintain our grand strategy. Plus we would be fighting mostly against the French, yeah that's right, the same french army that got smoked by Germany in two and a half minutes (well it seemed like it from across the pond). I do not understand the Daily Mirror editorial - we are not going against Rommel, the British are at El Alamein and they are doing a great job against Rommel's Afrika Korps! I have great respect for the Desert Fox but he should be called the tired Fox at this point in time.
The world will now get an up close and personal look at our talented military leaders, they are an all star team; George Marshall, George Patton, Dwight Eisenhower, Douglas MacArthur, Omar Bradley, and Chester Nimitz!
We are the USA - the giant has awoken and the Axis will pay!
I have to go now and eat some french toast.
Yours in Victory,