Sunday, October 14, 2012

Bernardo Carloni- response to editorial #10

How would you feel if one of your leaders were being called a bad leader. Well... this is how the people of Italy felt about their leader. Even thought he was captured while fighting he was still rescued and brought back to his people and his country and he will try to do the best that he can and make his people and his country proud of what he has to do and what he has already done. Mussolini and Hitler are some of the best leaders in the world and their people should be proud of what they have done to expand their unity all over the world. People should be happy that their leaders are very good and will protect you and do the best that they can to keep spreading their power and unity thoughout the world. Mussolini and Hitler will work together to make good things happen in the world.
Good job Germany and Italy!

         -Bernardo Carloni