Saturday, November 3, 2012

Response to Newsblast 7

               All I have to say is what a SHAME that Hitler isn't dead. The people of Germany could have finally returned to their normal lives without Hitler whispering cruel ideas in their ears. Sure Hitler says he’s fine, and it was JUST a jolt that brought him to his senses on the war, but I think it’s a bunch of baloney; really, and all citizens of any country should know this, I firmly believe as soon as this war turns to our side, which it has mind you, Pretty little Hitler will run to his bunker, where he knows he is safe. Hardly, my dear psychotic Hitler. Hardly. We will track you down, and our fearless soldiers will make sure of that. Face the fact, we will win, and not only does Japan know it, Italy knows it as well. You are out of allies to help you. Japan is too busy with our brilliant island hopping plan, while Mussolini is already OVERTHROWN. Hitler, the truth is right at your front door. Get ready to face it.
~Winston Churchill