Monday, November 12, 2012
Response to editorial # 12
The brave US soldiers fighting at the Battle of the Bulge should be rewarded for all of the hardship they are going through. I know what it is like to be in the freezing cold for days on end. Soldiers please keep pushing the Germans back until they are on their own front doorstep. We have almost beaten the terrifying Hitler. We have almost proven that good will always triumph over evil. Once the US soldiers win the Battle Of the Bulge The whole German army will be running around like a chicken with its head cut off in their capitol of Berlin. This is the last offensive they could desperately throw at us to try to stop us from invading Berlin. They know that, and they are going tothrow all they have got at you and not let up until either you retreat or they are forced to retreat. You must also not let up until they retreat because you have made it through all of Europe, just give one last good push to beat them back and we will all have victory over Germany.