I do not think nuclear technology is necessary. Is their not another way we can get Japan to
back down? I mean if we are mad at
someone we do not destroy their existence! We are better than that. We should not and will not stoop to Japan and
Germany’s level. America you said it
yourself, “We are the big dogs of the world.”
I did not think that part of the big dog job was to kill everyone who
does not side with us. Huh, that reminds
me of someone…. ring any bells to you?
In the beginning of this war you said Hitler was a wrong and bad guy,
but now all you are doing is mimicking him!
You are getting rid of Japan for the most part and for what? For you to say we won the war? This has gone to far and you are going to end
up doing something that you will regret.
When you talk about taking out this many people, you are going to make a
mistake. Please take some time to think
about this because it will probably come back to haunt you one day if you go
through with this.