Finally our island hopping plan is
a success! For all those who thought this was a silly idea, take a look now. It
seems you have lost your bet, so pay up. Axis, sadly you have nothing to pay.
Shame. The Allies will find something in recompense. Hitler maybe? I have heard
nothing from our little friends- perhaps you have nothing to say. This is true,
because we can sense your fear. Axis, you are swimming in it. You have lost
your position Japan, lost your role of power. Tojo, the plan you created was ambitious,
to ambitious, which surprises me, because you are a tiny island. Who would have
thought a country so tiny could hold all of that? Douglas, I applaud you on
your success. Tokyo Rose, I applaud you on your failure. What you needed to do
for it to become an achievement was do it in secret. We knew what you were
doing! Why the criticism? Criticism may not be agreeable, but it is necessary.
It fills the same role as pain in the human body. It calls attention to an
unhealthy state of things. Axis, what you are doing is unhealthy.