Monday, November 12, 2012
Editorial #14
I agree this is realy terrifying. I dont think they should go further into nuclear bomb reseach. Countries should cancel all forms of inhanceing the bomb. Do they not remember what happened in WW1. This history is going to repeat its self. The casualties would be tremendous. Both military and civilian. This is realy unnessisary. We dont have to use this weapon in war. Its not war any more. Its TERRORISM. This will exterminate more a quarter of the earth's population. This fork in the road must be picked up and thrown in the trash. I do not argee to continue developing this technology to a usable form. We must think about it world. Do you want to live in fear of a nuclear attack every year of your life? I dont think you would. If scientists realy have a brain they would figure out the consequences of such a weapon. I ask you. What would happen if every country had this technology and dropped bombs on eachother? What would happen?