Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Josef Mengele Response to Newsbast 7

I knew it! Hitler isn't dead. Someone as powerful and strong wouldn't have been thwarted by a careless plan. Our great and noble country will push back and won't stop until we have everything we've worked for and deserve. Our country will push through as we always do. Nothing great is gained without hard work. We can accomplish the impossible and attain what this country has worked so hard for. Although we have lost some battles we have many more tricks up our sleeves. I hope we can find the person who tried to do this to our furor, so he can be punished. Our enemies cannot stand in the way of our victory. It’s disappointing that we have lost many battles, but don’t give up hope yet. In fact never give up hope, continue with the passion that this war started with so our enemies give up hope. No longer shall this country be pushed around we do not deserve it. Our hope and our desires for a better future should drive us and that should be enough to win this war.