Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Editorial #13 - Iwo Jima and Okinawa _ Are They Worth it? Spring_1945

The American GIs are making progress in the Pacific.  Their current target – Iwo Jima.   When they hit the beaches of the island on February 19th, 1945 we saw some of the most ferocious and bloody combat witnessed in the Pacific theater.   The island is largely volcanic soil – black, heavy, and unforgiving.   Thousands of Americans were murdered as they crossed the beachheads of the island and through the network of underground caves as they moved inland.  For what?  A black hill of volcanic dirt?  Is this worth the lives of thousands?

NOW, the Americans are targeting the island of Okinawa, their last jumping point in their island hopping venture.  It is only 340 miles from Japan.  However, Okinawa is thick jungle completely inhabited with Japanese soldiers!   I have one question for my readers…What on Earth are they thinking?!   They have already forecasted that taking this pile of jungle will cost the United States over 50,000 lives.  Is it worth it?  Why should we spend so many lives of American boys on this one island?
The Daily Mirror anxiously awaits your response.