I guess the tactics of war are getting very serious and violent. Technology like this could wipe out entire cities. It's very dangerous. Why would anyone want to do such a thing to another place? If the pressure knocked out vehicles like that, imagine what it could do to a human being. I've heard about Germans scientists working on bombs such as these, but I never imagined that it would get this out of hand. Apparently the United States is getting in on the experiment too. I think any country working on the atomic bomb should stop. Some countries could become insane with this kind of power. Is that what everyone wants? Do you want every war that goes on to be fought with atomic bombs? It would lead to world destruction and destroy many civilizations around the world. Before you know it there will be bombs twice as big as the atomic bomb. Think about what you're doing. Think about what you are starting.
-Markus Engel, Beenden Sie diesen Wahnsinn