Thursday, November 15, 2012

Josef Mengele Response to editorial 14

America I can say that you should probably hold back on this one. I do understand the predicament you are in, but even if dropping these bombs seems like the answer, every country will see you as a threat, and, if they have the resources, will build up their own supply to take you out. Maybe those islands are worth your country, but I don’t think so. I say don’t finish this war like the cowards you are and go out there and actually fight for the country you all soooo believe in. Unfortunately my Japanese friends will take you out either way. Somebody needs to beat this young country so please Japan show America how to lose a war.

P.S.-  Also I would really like to be allowed back in my own country again because Hitler brainwashed me so can you call off this manhunt on me?
 ~Josef Mengele

Response to editorial #13

The battle at Iwo Jima is going to a crazy battle. This is the last chance for the United States to take back Japan. It will be very hard for them to take it over because Japan is a tough competitor. They will have some sneaky ideas to come at us and we will just have to stand our ground. The will come at us with this and that, but will not hurt is a bit. Once we start defeating them it will be easy to overtake them and bring them down. First we have to go to different islands to beat them and then go into Japan and take over.  This process is a little easier to explain then really go out and do it but it will work. Trust me. If this process works it will be one of the most successful  mission that the United States will ever do!

Response to editorial #13

WHAT HAS THE WORLD COME TO! Why does this nuclear bomb going to Japan to just destroy everyone there. Why can’t Japan just surrender and be done with the war. We are hurting millions of people just to end a war with one thing.  This is not right and it has to stop for the good of everyone. This bomb could impact everyone for years and years. It could also let people thing it is the normal thing to do and everyone will try to use it on one another. This bomb is a nasty thing! Even this one drop of a bomb, it is a drop in human life, in resources, and in responsibility. This technology is continuing to get better and better. It should not be used in this way of killing everyone but it should be used to a better cause for the world and everything it does.     

Response to Editorial #14 - Benito Mussolini

Nuclear weapons has just become a must have for every country, if you don't have them your weak and can be obliterated with the push of single button. If every country has it then it is useless because if one person presses that button then the rest of the world does to leaving a total holocaust. I would strongly advise any country to pack up on as much nuclear weapons as you can because someday someone will press that button.

Le armi nucleari sono le nuove armi con la loro distruzione esserci proiettili.

(Nuclear weapons are the new guns with their destruction being there bullets.)

- Benito Mussolini

Response to Editorial # 13 - Benito Mussolini

The United States of America need to learn that it is not worth all the live that there losing and they should just give up. Japan is to powerful and they will never give up due to there rituals and beliefs. Japan is not a county that you want to mess with never mind do mess with.

I miei compagni, sembra che la guerra finirà presto, se si lascia che sia. Se combattiamo forti possiamo ancora vincere così ho incoraggiare Ittalianss in tutto il mondo ribelle superiore.

(My comrades, it looks like the war will be over soon, if we let it that is. If we fight strong we may still win so i encourage Italians all over the world top rebel.)

- Benito Mussolini

Mitsuo Fuchida Editorial #14

     Nuclear technology? O i see were this is going. It's not bad enough America bombs our country now they want to hit it with something nuclear. Well hmmm... ummm... Nuclear technology should not be allowed to use in war. Starting now. So don't drop any bomb on Japan. If you want to attack why don't you send in troops? Sorry, I am starting to get off topic. Well anyway nuclear technology should be banned from war (especially on japan).

Mitsuo Fuchida Editorial #13

    I agree about America wasting there time for an island of volcanic soil and an island of jungle. They should just give up now. They are weakening themselves. Also why even bother to continue when, if they even do reach Japan, The will certainly loose many lives. I just say America should turn around (or kill themselves) and give us our Sphere of Influence. Although their leader is insane and continues to press on. Well him and his country won't last much longer.

response to editorial #13

I can’t say this enough how much I wish war would just end. I know it isn’t that easy, I greatly admire all the soldiers for staying strong and fighting every single day. What the Americans want in the pacific I think they will get, but they will have to go through all of this first. As crazy as it seems to have so many Americans put their lives at risk by going through the thick forest with Japanese everywhere, the Americans know what they are doing. The Americans are and will not give up. They will continue to fight and give it their all until they win. I stand behind my country.

~Maggie Nightingale

Joseph Stalin- Editorial #14

America why would you want to make a nuclear bomb now if Germany wins no one will be safe.  The word can be destroyed or can be safe it’s up to you and you might just destroy.  Then you will see the bad side of me. America is just not making good choices right now.  How should we trust you guys you can drop it anywhere allies or not.  Why would you make this it will kill millions if you us it I will find how to make it and us it on you.     

Joseph Stalin- Editorial #13

America is just putting millions of people lives in danger.  They should work on Japan and not on little islands that they can get later.  They should spend those lives on Germany and not on stupid tiny islands.  If Germany wins I will come after America for letting us down.  You shouldn’t be wasting troops on Japan’s island only on Germany.

response to editorial #13

                   The last jump for america. Thousands of Americans were murdered as they crossed the beachheads of Iwo Jima. It is not worth the lifes. It is not worth the letter to mom. Thats what we said before this hole war. We said we would sell guns to get our economy running again. But i will tell you one thing. it is worth getting payback for pearl harbor. Dont for get the phillipines. But mostly, maybe you dont agree, for the over 600,000 dead in Manchuria. This stuff adds up if you look at it all the things done. Iwo jima is the last island before japan. we will grab them by the throut and force a surrender. This will all be over soon. We can all go home soon. There are not bad poeple but there are bad choices. But this is unexeptable.

Eva-Response to Editorial #13

Hitler says that America has a strong army but they don't have the "want to" like Japan does. Therefore, I believe that America will lose. America is no match for a lot of counties, especially Japan. America better watch out though because Germany (especially Hitler) wants to get revenge on them. They are weak, yet they are considered the big dogs. Hitler said that they are most of the reason that Germany got blamed and fined for starting World War I. We did not start the war though! If I was America I would watch my back! Germany will soon be the new big dogs. Hitler got behind a little bit, but he will help Germany come back. We will become the big dogs no matter what it takes. All of Germany has complete trust in him. Germany is superior and we will succeed in the end.

      Eva Braun

Responce to Editorial #14

               Hello and good evening. This is Jonny Greenwood here for the last time. And that is because the war is officially over. Yes that is right. The United States of America has ended this horrific war. But the question is, did they do it the right way? Does dropping two nuclear bombs on Japan solve anything? My answer to this is yes, they did do the right thing. I mean how they cannot have done the right thing. The United States felt that their national security was at risk so they did something about it. And although it was something that was hard to do I’m sure that President Truman doesn’t regret his choice. Japan deserved what they got. They were the ones that attacked America to begin with. And with that I send my farewells, until the next time.

Your Fellow Soldier,

               Jonny Greenwood

Response to editorial #14

The thought of nuclear technology scares me a little. Thinking back to how destructive the Japanese were to Pearl Harbor, and to think with this new technology it could have been much much worse. If these nuclear weapons were used in war it would get bad, fast. In my opinion we are better off not having these. If America got them other countries would to and we would be at risk. If we did develop this to a usable form I would hope the other countries would not do the same. With these I have also taken into consideration that by dropping them they could end up taking civilians lives as well which is not what we want or what they were made for. Using them in war would wipe out to many people. I hope America makes the right decision.

~Maggie Nightingale

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Kathleen Brockington Response to Editorial 14

I do not think nuclear technology is necessary.  Is their not another way we can get Japan to back down?  I mean if we are mad at someone we do not destroy their existence!  We are better than that.  We should not and will not stoop to Japan and Germany’s level.  America you said it yourself, “We are the big dogs of the world.”  I did not think that part of the big dog job was to kill everyone who does not side with us.  Huh, that reminds me of someone…. ring any bells to you?  In the beginning of this war you said Hitler was a wrong and bad guy, but now all you are doing is mimicking him!  You are getting rid of Japan for the most part and for what?  For you to say we won the war?  This has gone to far and you are going to end up doing something that you will regret.  When you talk about taking out this many people, you are going to make a mistake.  Please take some time to think about this because it will probably come back to haunt you one day if you go through with this.            

Kathleen Brockington Response to Editorial #13

I cannot believe that America is willing to go through this beach madness all over again.  They already went through the horrible beach in the Atlantic.  America you have some guts because you are willing to out the lives of your men out on that Front Line again.  Isn’t this beach thing like a one and done type deal?  Are we not tired of this beach stuff?  We have already lost thousands of lives fighting in the Atlantic and now we want to do it again?  I did not think that America could or want to do this again. 
I am proud of America for standing up for their country like that.  They would do anything to help and protect their country.  I wish all countries had as much bravery that America had.  America I guess does not play it safe- WE GO BIG OR GO HOME!  Keep up the good work.   

Response to Editorial 13

Now The Daily Mirror, you've asked a simple question so I plan to give you a simple answer. Yes, American struggle is needed, even if the end result is death. The Japanese aren't immortal; they are losing just as much, if not more lives. This fact is why we are winning. We cannot let the Axis rule over. More lives will be lost if we surrender to the horrid power that Hitler is finally losing. If we give up now, when we've almost tipped Hitler over, all those precious lives that were lost will be in vain. They will have fought for nothing if we surrender now. Surrendering is not an option. Losing is not an option. That island is so close to the heart of Japan, and they have fought a furious battle, and I applaud them for their TACTICS and nothing else; however, we have gone through most of their army, what is left to protect them. A low percentage and their only percentage of their army. We have tried petty peace talks. It’s now time to fight.
~Winston Churchill

Responce to Editrial #13

Hello and good evening, this is Jonny Greenwood again. I recently heard of the American’s efforts in Japan. And yes, I do believe it is worth the struggle. I think this way because Japan attacked America first. And so now the Americans are going to get what they want. And what they want you may ask: Revenge. They have already fought so hard, and for what to just turn around and give up? No, they have done it before and they will do it again. They will not give up.

The United States are targeting two very important islands; Iwo Jima and Okinawa. Both are very crucial jumping points for the US to get to Japan. And with that I send my goodbyes. Have a wonderful evening.

Your Fellow Soldier,

               Jonny Greenwood
Response to Editorial #14

I am glad and upset about the use of nuclear weapons.

I am glad because I will be able to obliterate a country I need to take down with simply one or two nuclear bombs, depending on the size of the country. I think it will take me two to take America, one to take Britain, and maybe three to take the Soviet Union. I will be able to rid the world of the contagious disease that has been passed down for ages: Jews. All Jews will be gone from the earth, and Germans will prevail.

However, I am upset because they can be used against us. Since we got some of our land taken away from WWI, it won't be hard for  the Americans to Bomb our land of Germany.

Deutschland wird überleben und Juden wird sterben! (Germany will survive and Jews will die!)

Auf Wiedersehen für jetzt Freunde. (Goodbye for now, friends)
~ Adolf Hitler

Watch yourselves americans

Hello everybody. I believe you all have heard about the nuclear technology coming from the U.S and i would like to send a fair warning to everyone. Nuclear weaponry is not something to mess around with. Be careful nukes can destroy anyhting and everything!!!!! if you bekieve you are the only ones who can use this technology you are wrong and you will regret it. If you use this on anyone there will be major consequences, and they will not be kind. be careful. Do not play god with this kind of thing. This is a warning to all. Einstien, if you go through with this, you are a fool. War does not need something this massive Have a nice day

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Eva-Response to Editorial #14

"Should countries continue developing this technology to a usable form? Once usable and functional - should countries be able to use these weapons in war?"
          No, if counties were able to use this technology countries would have an unfair advantage. The one country with the new technology would win right away. Also, if both countries have the nuclear bomb than it could wipe out most of humanity especially if t is used in war. Another problem with this technology is that if one country gets mad at another than they can bomb the other country with this new type of bomb and no one would be able to do anything about it because they would also be bombed by that country. The world could have only one ruler. What happens if that leader is bad and uncivil. This could be the destruction of humanity! It needs to stop.

     Eva Braun

Monday, November 12, 2012

Editorial #14

               I agree this is realy terrifying. I dont think they should go further into nuclear bomb reseach. Countries should cancel all forms of inhanceing the bomb. Do they not remember what happened in WW1. This history is going to repeat its self. The casualties would be tremendous. Both military and civilian. This is realy unnessisary. We dont have to use this weapon in war. Its not war any more. Its TERRORISM. This will exterminate more a quarter of the earth's population. This fork in the road must be picked up and thrown in the trash. I do not argee to continue developing this technology to a usable form. We must think about it world. Do you want to live in fear of a nuclear attack every year of your life? I dont think you would. If scientists realy have a brain they would figure out the consequences of such a weapon. I ask you. What would happen if every country had this technology and dropped bombs on eachother? What would happen?

Response to editorial #13

Okinawa, and Iwo Jima are very much worth it because they are the last major defensive spots that the Japanese can throw at you. I can't even imagine the horrors that are occurring on those beautiful islands right now.I have to give the Japanese a little respect for how they are finally attacking people that are not innocent civillians. What I do not understand about them is how they will die for their country in the blink of an eye. They have finally showed me how brave they are and how their code of honor works. The US soldiers are the most brave army  I have seen in my life so far. First they charge into a storm of bullets knowing they will not live to see another day, and now they are running onto an island knowing that their killer may be in the bush right next to them or in the trees above them. They came to avenge all of the people that were lost in the horrible attack on Pearl Harbor. Lets have a round of applause for the most brave soldiers in the world! USA! USA! USA!

Response to editorial # 12

The brave US soldiers fighting at the Battle of the Bulge should be rewarded for all of the hardship they are going through. I know what it is like to be in the freezing cold for days on end. Soldiers please keep pushing the Germans back until they are on their own front doorstep. We have almost beaten the terrifying Hitler. We have almost proven that good will always triumph over evil. Once the US soldiers win the Battle Of the Bulge The whole German army will be running around like a chicken with its head cut off in their capitol of Berlin. This is the last offensive they could desperately throw at us to try to stop us from invading Berlin. They know that, and they are going tothrow all they have got at you and not let up until either you retreat or they are forced to retreat. You must also not let up until they retreat because you have made it through all of Europe, just give one last good push to beat them back and we will all have victory over Germany.

Editorial #14- Markus Engel

     I guess the tactics of war are getting very serious and violent.  Technology like this could wipe out entire cities.  It's very dangerous.  Why would anyone want to do such a thing to another place?  If the pressure knocked out vehicles like that, imagine what it could do to a human being.  I've heard about Germans scientists working on bombs such as these, but I never imagined that it would get this out of hand.  Apparently the United States is getting in on the experiment too.  I think any country working on the atomic bomb should stop.  Some countries could become insane with this kind of power.  Is that what everyone wants?  Do you want every war that goes on to be fought with atomic bombs?  It would lead to world destruction and destroy many civilizations around the world.  Before you know it there will be bombs twice as big as the atomic bomb.  Think about what you're doing.  Think about what you are starting.
                   -Markus Engel, Beenden Sie diesen Wahnsinn

Hideki Tojo-Editorial #14/ note to Einstien

I had to watch the video at least three or four times before I could truly understand the horror of  this 'new and hopefully never used' technology. I know for sure that what Japan did to Pearl Harbor was bad and killed civilians, but not as bad as neutralizing a whole city. That would kill thousands, if not millions, of people in just one blow. America would never forgive Japan if we did something like that. WE probably wouldn't forgive a nation if THEY did that to us. Japan would never do that and hopefully no on will ever do that to us. This is horrible. Einstein, I know that you wish you could un-invent the inventing of this terrible weapon and I know you did not help to make this weapon just for this purpose: destruction. I just want you to know that I understand you.
                              Your truly stunned comrade,
                                                         Razor.(Although, at this point, I'm not sure if I want to be).

Sunday, November 11, 2012

respince to editorial 14

I as i physicist myself and have seen the horrors of nuclear bombs and i dislike them all and the mere idea of them just gives me nightmares. But i as much as i hate it think that nuclear bombs are a necessary to protect America against the threats around the world. i have spoken to the president about this too. i hate the idea of nuclear warfare but it is necessary in the world to keep up to date on technology. i wish i had the power to go back in time and erase the mere idea of nuclear technology because i have seen what it does, and i will forever have the burden of knowing that what i have researched and developed will cost thousands of innocent lives who got caught up in the mess of war and death.

                        --Albert Einstein

responce to editorial 13

i uncontested agree with the Daily Mirror. why do you think it is really worth it to gain access to these islands. i is outrageous to think that America would sacrifice thousands and thousands of lives for what two little islands. this is an unspeakable choice it isn't fair to the men who are serving America. its sad to think that thousands if not millions troupes have died already. i can see why you would want these islands because its the closest place to Japan. why not save more men and not take the islands. ask yourself," IS IT REALLY WORTH IT... THOUSANDS OF LIVES OR TWO SMALL ISLANDS?"

                                     --Albert Einstein

Response to Editorial 14

With the days of the war seeming to be coming to an end very soon i have high hopes for the future. Those high hopes were crushed indefinitely by the subject of WMDS. Weapons of mass destruction. Atomic bombs, V-2 rockets. These thoughts horrify me and make me lose a lot of faith in todays world. War is hell. Using these weapons would make a new meaning for the word hell what about the civilian casualties. Using these weapons would be a crime against humanity in my opinion killing the innocent civilians who had nothing to do with the war or the ideas that started it. If we follow the footsteps of these ideas i see a dark grim future ahead for humanity. Its a race against the clock and i think it needs to be a race to stop it. I hope that we can go back one day to the peaceful days of the world that once existed.

                                                                      - Dwight D. Eisenhower
                                                                        Supreme Commander of Allied Forces

Dwight Eisenhower-Unspeakable

War is hell. Anyone who has served in any war know this. In war people see sides of people that they would've never known about. Serving through war I  have seen many disturbing things. Disturbing unspeakable things that i hate to think of. In the month of April I witnessed something that rocked me to my core. Something that is to sinister to even think anyone could do in todays world. My soldiers and I discovered camps. Concentration camps where workers were forced to work as hard as they could until they died. We discovered death camps where prisoners had no food and no water and were slaughtered like cattle. The main prisoners in these camps seemed to mostly be people of the Jewish faith, Gypsies, and Homosexuals. We saved as many survivors as we could and tried our best to keep them healthy. Many did not make it. Fellow Americans do one thing for me- give your family a great big hug tonight and appreciate everything you have.

                                                                             - Dwight D. Eisenhower
                                                                               Supreme Commander of Allied Forces

Editorial 14 - Summer 1945 - Nuclear Technology? No Thanks!

My Dear World, 

We have encountered a fork in the road and we are not in Kansas anymore. Nuclear physicists have been consulting with various heads of state around the globe regarding the development of new forms of weaponry that use nuclear energy to create explosions. These explosions are far beyond the comprehension or understanding of anything we have witnessed before. Based upon what we have been able to gather about testing of these weapons, they can threaten the life of entire metropolitan areas or naval bases. Essentially, had the Japanese used this form of technology on Pearl Harbor, it would have taken one plane - one bomb to obliterate the naval base as well as much of Honolulu.

The concern that every global citizen must wrap their head around is this - If this technology becomes the new "norm" for what we use on our enemies during conflict, we are breaching a threshold that is terrifying. Not only will we face the reality of more military casualties that far surpass what we have seen in this horrific war, but we will see the number of civilian deaths surpass anything imaginable.

The questions that we pose to our readers are this:

Should countries continue developing this technology to a usable form?

Once usable and functional - should countries be able to use these weapons in war?

We beg you to consider the consequences of a single weapon being used in action.

Douglas MacArthur Response to editorial #12

Great job America, both in the Pacific and the Atlantic. Out of all the years I have been part of the American Army/troops I have never seen such improvement in America. We know what we are doing and we are positive about everything.

The Battle of the Bulge has been very dangerous for us. How threatening to sit in a freezing cold foxhole all day scared that if you move a German will kill you. They are doing the right thing though, because they have been through training to get where they are right now. They know what to do. This battle will show Germany that America is no flimsy weak Nation to mess with. If we win Germany will not know what to do because they will have lost to a country that used to be weak but now is very strong and powerful. So to the troops over in Belgium, I wish you the best of luck. Stay strong and don’t give out. The stronger you fight the faster you will be able to get out of that foxhole.

FDR Health

As you are well aware, I have kept my health status to myself in an effort to make sure we focus on the important issues of our great country. When I was 39 years old, I contracted polio which resulted in total paralysis in my legs all the way to my hips. I have braces to help me walk and with all the stress of the war I have been using my wheelchair to get around.
This has made an impact on my train journeys since the speed of the train is limited to 35 miles per hour to minimize my discomfort from the vibration of the rail car. Now with twenty years of limited exercise, my muscles are weak, this includes my heart. The stress of the presidency has taken a toll, and my smoking habit has not helped, on my health. In 1944, I was diagnosed with hypertension, congestive heart failure, and an enlarged heart - which means my heart has a hard time circulating blood throughout my body. Don't worry - I am taking medication to make it better.

My health will not deter me from seeing the great nation of the United States through the end of this war! I will not rest until our young men come home victors in this important war.

Yours in Victory,

Douglas MacArthur response#13

This is General MacArthur reporting the battle of Iwo Jima. Our plan is to take the entire island and the three airfields. The Imperial Japanese Army has positioned themselves in a network of bunkers, hidden artillery positions and 11 miles of underground tunnels. The hardest thing to destroy was the tunnels. Our sea power and air power were capable of delivering vast amounts of fire to the Japanese troops. Neither America nor Japan even had the thought of surrendering even though it would save so many men.
We Americans set our mind to something and we do it. We expected the Japanese to surrender to save their men. The Japanese officers vowed to fight to the death, no matter how bad it was. That's exactly what they did.
America posses much of the island towards the end of the battle but we could have lost that battle.
It may sound crazy for America to try so hard and risk so many things for this one island but as always we have a purpose. Which is to give Germany and Japan a taste of their own medicine.
Response to Editorial #13

If the Americans think that going to Iwo Jima is going to help them win the war, think again. The American Army is no match for the Japanese Army. However, I do feel that since some of the Japanese Army has already been crippled, the Americans have a chance. Not a big chance, but a chance. I am in a bit of fear from the fact that the Americans are doing so well. Now, I am in the mountains with some of my SS officers. But that's besides the point. The fact of the matter is, the Americans have a slim chance of winning this war; it is, however, a good idea to try and fight because there will be less American soldiers we Germans have to destroy. Fight without all your might, America, and may you die for your country in as much pain as possible.

Auf Wiedersehen für jetzt Freunde. (Goodbye for now, friends)
~ Adolf Hitler


Look at Scoreboard Carloni

One word - SCOREBOARD! Take a look at it, you will see that the Allies are pushing the Germans back, back, back, and back to their homeland and I anticipate we will be in Germany very soon. Let's do a quick review;
Germany retreating (have heard from my Generals that they are very good at it now) -Allies 1, Axis 0
Russians pushing Germans back on Eastern front - Allies 2, Axis 0
US gaining control over more islands in Pacific, knocking on Japan's door - Allies 3, Axis 0
Can you believe it civilized world - these so called newbie US soldiers are kicking tail and taking names over the "the best military ever seen on earth" - how wrong they were to underestimate our military.
Please note Axis countries (can't call you Axis powers any more since you are retreating so fast you need running shoes, not military boots to keep up) we will only accept unconditional surrender - your time is running out give up now! It is the only noble thing to do. If you do not, I may have the opportunity to use a new advanced weapon that could change warfare forever.

We are in the fourth quarter, and don't make me use it...wait for it, wait for it...

Yours in Victory,

Bernardo Carloni-response to FDR

Sooner or later Japan will find out your plan and will destroy you and your little, weak doughboys. We will beat you to the islands and conquer all of them before you will. Your strategy will soon be over and you will have nothing to do about it. You will just have to sit there and wait until you find out a new plan to get back on Japan, but there is know way that they can pull it off in a little amount of time. They can not pull it off because just around the corner, Hitler will have the world and there would be no possible way that anyone can step up and take charge to defeat Hitler and to defended their own country.Good luck America, and have fun being defeated by Japan. Ian sure that the Japanese will have a nice surprise for you.

Good job Japan. Keep fighting because you will defeat America.

Bernardo Carloni-Response to mission #4

If I was the parent of a boy who went to go fight for our country, I would be very proud. I would know that he is going for a good cause, to protect our country. I would know that he died doing something very important for our country and keeping the people safe from the big , bad, country of Germany. Germany will not be defeated because we will wipe out the whole world and Germmnay will be the greatest country in the world. We will not let there be any single spot of light of victory be spotted by any other country because we are stronger and powerful. Sooner or later there will be a world full of darkness and full of victory of Germany. No country will ever be able to defeat us and they know it. They are to scared to go at us because we will wipe them out and there will be nothing left of them.

Good job Germany.

Anne Frank Response Editorial #13

I can't say I am happy with this success. I am near death as it is. I wish they would free us instead of battling more. Every day, we are starved and put to labor. I just can't find it in me to be happy. Oh, why can't we be found and saved, instead of having our rescuers fight across the land?! They island hop instead of setting free the prisoners who have done nothing wrong. In my mind, that is not right. Iguess they have to do what they have to do. Just please let them find us! I grow weaker every day, and do not know how long I can hold. Sincerely, Anne "IN SPITE IF EVERYTHING, I STILL BELIEVE PEOPLE ARE REALLY GOOD AT HEART."

Anne Frank Response Editorial #12

I hope the Americans pull through. With the German rule, things have become unbearable and Jews have been disappearing. I fear that my family and I will be next. I hope the Allies get backup and overcome the Germans. I pray to God every day that we will survive and be able to see our world once again like it should be. Oh, but how I hate the wait! This has been going on for years, and I can't take it anymore! I hope it is like in books, where good conquers bad, and everyone lives happily ever after! But I know that in the real world, that is not likely, and many have died already trying to save us. Innocent people should not have to through this. Sincerely, Anne "IN SPITE OF EVERYTHING, I STILL BELIEVE PEOPLE ARE REALLY GOOD AT HEART."

Saturday, November 10, 2012

The Need for Iwo Jima and Okinawa

We have been very successful with our island hopping strategy in the Pacific theater. So successful, that we are at a point of realizing our goals with the island hopping strategy - closeness to mainland Japan for a military base to be used as a base for direct attacks on Japan. We have the following reasons for the invasion of Iwo Jima and Okinawa.

1. Providing fighter cover for the application of our air effort against Japan.
2. Denying these strategic outposts to the enemy.
3. Furnishing air defense bases for our positions in the Marianas.
4. Providing air fields for staging bombers against Japan.
5. Precipitating a decisive naval engagement.
6. Install air-sea rescue units based on the island to promote the rescue of downed aircrews.
7. Taking Iwo Jima removed a Japanese early-warning system for Superfortress bombing raids.

These islands are very important to ending the war in the Pacific - and saving American lives by reducing the timeframe for an unconditional surrender, and need to invade other islands and incur many more casualties. My ultimate goal is to end the war as quickly as possible with the fewest lives lost.

Yours in Victory,

Battle of the Bulge

As most every sane person alive knows that war is the closest thing to hell on earth, and we have sent our future, talented american young men, into a world war to save all people from ruthless oppressors. Our troops have been successful in northern Africa, on the beaches of northern France, and now in the Ardennes forest. Our young troops have gained valuable fighting experience in every battle and are now battle tested veterans. Veterans with a noble cause, that are up to the task in taking on the Germans on their home turf! This is the first counter offensive the Germans have executed - they have been retreating since our invasion of Africa. The Germans are now using civilians to carry out acts of sabotage against the Americans. This act of desperation will be denied by a group of US soldiers that are the most determined the world has ever seen. I have heard about unbelievable acts bravery in the face of unsurmountable odds - this group of Americans are our greatest generation. They are definitely heroes to our nation and to me.

I cannot express my anger in words regarding the news that I have just received about the mass murder of American prisoners of war at Malmedy. This is unacceptable by the Hague conventions.
We have a proud history of doing what is right even during a war. The POW facts listed below support this statement. Even in war there are rules that all need to adhere too.

We will prevail!!! We need everyone to keep their focus on the goal and help our troops in everyway possible.

Yours in Victory,
Percentage of
POWs that Died
Russian POWs held by Germans57.5%
German POWs held by Russians35.8%
American POWs held by Japanese33.0%
German POWs held by Eastern Europeans32.9%
British POWs held by Japanese24.8%
British POWs held by Germans3.5%
German POWs held by French2.58%
German POWs held by Americans0.15%
German POWs held by British0.03%

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Editorial #13- Markus Engel

     This war just gets better and better, doesn't it?  But quite honestly theis battle sounds worse than Bastogne.  All the black, heavy volcanic soil everywhere sounds dreadful.  Iwo Jima and Okinawa are not places I will be visiting any time soon.  All the battles just keep getting more intense and bloody.  How many more lives will be wasted or tortured or murdered?  I for one am ready for all the gore to be gone.  Your mind can only take so much of the dead people lying on the ground right in front of you. And there is nothing you could do to help them.  I don't know if I can take anymore of the smell and the ashes and the news of only hearing all the deaths.  I can't sleep at night and when I finally fall asleep I have nightmares of the people who have been killed.  These thoughts won't leave my mind.   They are permanently in my mind and will haunt me for the rest of my life.
                                           -Markus Engel, für die Männer, die gestorben

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Editorial #12- Markus Engel

     The Battle of the Bulge sounds horrid.  It must be terrible being in the snow all day.  It gets intensely cold in Bastogne this time of year.  Here at Einsatzgruppen it isn't any better, there is snow everywhere and it is freezing.  I can't feel my toes and fingers most of the time.  It must be very hard on the prisoners too, they barely have clothes on to keep them warm.  Anyway, back to Bastogne.  They have to stay in cold and fight, not knowing when the stalemate will end.  That is probably one of the hard parts of the battle. I hear that many of the German soldiers are having a hard time fighting in that kind of weather.  I know I would not want to be in battle in that freezing cold.  I hope that they find a way to stay warm and keep away from frostbite or any other illnesses that could harm them.  
                                     -Markus Engel, Gesundheit zu Hitler

Josef Mengele Response to Newsbast 7

I knew it! Hitler isn't dead. Someone as powerful and strong wouldn't have been thwarted by a careless plan. Our great and noble country will push back and won't stop until we have everything we've worked for and deserve. Our country will push through as we always do. Nothing great is gained without hard work. We can accomplish the impossible and attain what this country has worked so hard for. Although we have lost some battles we have many more tricks up our sleeves. I hope we can find the person who tried to do this to our furor, so he can be punished. Our enemies cannot stand in the way of our victory. It’s disappointing that we have lost many battles, but don’t give up hope yet. In fact never give up hope, continue with the passion that this war started with so our enemies give up hope. No longer shall this country be pushed around we do not deserve it. Our hope and our desires for a better future should drive us and that should be enough to win this war.  

Hideki Tojo-Editorial #13

I seriously don't see how a country like America is going to survive the hell that Japan is giving them. There is now way that they-BANZAI!! 



HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! You'll never figure our way of thinking, 'Death before Dishonor!' So I will not explain it to you. America keeps saying that they did not know why they were doing what the Japanese soldiers were doing. I've specifically told you about TEN TIMES why they do what they do. It is for their country. I know some men who were extremely upset because they couldn't die a good death by killing themselves while being held captive. The only reason they couldn't do so is because those rotten Americans wouldn't let them do as their beliefs told them to do! America disrespects our lives, America disrespects our country, and most of all, America disrespects our culture!
                                     Your comrade,